Daily American

Asleep Behind the Wheel

DC Season 4 Episode 5

Ever fall asleep while recording a last minute episode before bed, in bed? after a quick hot shower we are right back at it. Join me as I recount some of the more unusual moments of my everyday life, from candid personal reflections to a heartfelt story about an Uber passenger coping with loss. With gratitude for my subscribers, I'll explain how your support helps keep this podcast running. I'll also share insights into my aspirations for a simple, fulfilling life despite the financial struggles faced by my family. And yes, there's a bit about my Uber driving experiences and a recent vehicle upgrade too!

Switching gears, I'll take you through my journey back into the workforce, grappling with the dilemma of working for someone else again despite my confidence in my sales abilities. Hear about the job interviews, the non-compete clauses, and the significant pay cuts I was willing to accept. I'll also delve into my pivot to marketing, specifically my work on SEO and website management for My Supply Wizard, and various freelance projects I've undertaken. Throughout this episode, you'll understand the importance of always having a backup plan to ensure financial stability, even if it means driving for Uber.

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Speaker 1:

We are back with the Daily American Boo Boo, alright, guys, switching things up a little bit. Currently, in my tomb in my bed, just laying here Obviously no script, per usual, tired, just got out of the shower, got a ghost here right next to me. I can't believe. It's only what Tuesday, gee, or is it Monday? Nah, it's Tuesday. Things have been going, you know, they are okay. Things are okay. They are okay, things are okay.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys, thanks for tuning into the podcast. I'm just kidding, no, but seriously. Thank you for the paid subscribers. Man, it's $5 a month. It is asking a lot if you think about it. There's just some content I just don't want any Joe Schmo listening to, especially when we dive a little bit deeper into the season. You find out some things that you don't know about me. I didn't want my former employees that I used to work with listening for free, unless there were certain individuals which I would have definitely just let. I'll send in the link separately, but you know I got some loyal folks out there that are just there. It's pretty awesome. Don't forget 40% of proceeds from the podcast goes to disabled veterans. 40% of it goes back into the podcast veterans. 40% of it goes back into the podcast and the other 20% is used by the hosting website. There's really nothing we can do about that.

Speaker 1:

This morning, not this morning this morning, all I did was work, work with my website guy. I know you guys want to hear more about the Uber Chronicles. Very sad, alright, I'll give you the breakdown. I was going to tell you about my day, but who gives a fuck about my day? Let's go to the breakdown of Uber. Sign up on a whim. Worst case scenario. Turns out that actually didn't come. But the bottom line is I had to have a really backup, backup, backup plan Just in case shit hits the fan financially and I'm like stuck. So I'm confident now that I could literally go out there right now, flip on that Uber app and go do about seven to ten, seven to fifteen, basically pickups and just strictly picking up and dropping people off. Every single rider has been cool as shit.

Speaker 1:

I think I worked three nights. In the first night I was like fuck it, let me just go to north philly camden, all the getaway spots and pick up some riders um, get that part out of the way. My one buddy's like that's what I would think about all the time like somebody's trying to rob me and stuff. And then, like this one dude I picked up in Philly and dropped him back off at his house in like I want to say Chester, and it's like he couldn't. He was so shocked. I'm like dude, like it's not that serious, it's just a vehicle. I'm saying my man, nah, okay, I'll just continue talking to myself. Hmm, maybe you don't know what I'm saying, but all right, so Uber night one, go to the city, drop off this dude in Chester. He was super grateful man. His freaking dad had just passed. He was damn near in tears after talking about me.

Speaker 1:

That's the shit that, like money can't buy. Money can't buy the words that I chose to say to that guy to make him feel better. Hopefully Now money also can't buy some of the words that I use not to make people feel so good. Like this weasel Joey Chestnut the hot dog eating. I mean he's slinging back more hot dogs than Pamela Anderson in the 90s. I mean, it's kind of gross, guys, I fell asleep in the middle of that recording.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of crazy. I just fell right asleep. I probably shouldn't record from bed, but now I'm up. I'll probably be up all night working. Um, yeah, so the dude's father. So that was pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

I, I liked, I just I enjoy actually doing the Uber thing. Um, I did have to get a new vehicle, though that's for sure A new vehicle is in route. Uh, because a driving around in the vehicle I was using is just not cost effective. Um, it doesn't make any sense. You can't be Ubering in a Maserati Now. Vehicle's just a vehicle. I got a good deal on it, I won some money and I paid most of it off with cash a while ago. So Now I just need a Ferrari.

Speaker 1:

All I want out of this life, materialistic-wise, is a nice house. Doesn want out of this life, materialistic-wise, is a nice house. Doesn't have to be big, but a nice house with a little bit of land, maybe like an acre or two. I'm cool with that. One crazy vehicle like a Ferrari for my maybe hopeful beautiful wife to have a nice vehicle of her choosing, and then obviously an everyday vehicle like an all-wheel drive Jeep or something. That's pretty much it. I don't need a beach house, I don't need all that other nonsense. Just be able to provide and raise a family without stressing about money. And you know, believe it or not, I'm not even stressing today about money, thank God.

Speaker 1:

Plus. That's all my parents fought about. I can hear them now. My dad was a degenerate gambler too, but he didn't. He didn't really make a lot of money. So mom was like a secretary. My dad didn't start working, he started delivering pizza in like seventh grade. He had, he had jobs that he couldn't hold on to, for, oh, like me not. I mean, eight years is eight years. I've only had two jobs since I graduated college. I mean eight years is eight years. I've only had two jobs since I graduated college. Three full-time jobs, my entire like three careers, my entire life.

Speaker 1:

So one of my goals is to retire by 40. And by retire by 40, I mean to be able to do whatever I want to do Whenever I want to do it. However I choose to do so. Freedom. Now, you don't need multi-millions to do that, right. You probably need a million or two million. So how am I going to get there? Well, what have I been doing since I was terminated? Let's stop focusing on. Let me stop focusing on the, on the job I thought I was going to retire at. But guess what? I certainly wasn't retiring at 40. 200 grand a year or not. I'm not retiring at 40. So what have I done since? Well, started a few LLCs? We'll say that. So what have I done since Well, started a few LLC's? We'll say that One of them I already had to dissolve I'm not going to dive into that one and we got the website going for the podcast.

Speaker 1:

If you go to dailyamericanpodcastcom, it's a squared away website. Shout out to my website guy. I tell you his name, but then you try to find him, and then maybe out to my website guy. I tell you his name, but then you try to find him. And then maybe you take my website guy from me. You take my website guy from me. You may be taking my potential Earnings from me and therefore you're stealing from me.

Speaker 1:

And I advise you you don't lie, you don't steal and you don't cheat the Daily American, because guess what? Eventually you're going to pay and if you don't pay, I don't play, and that's basically what it comes down to. Just don't lie, steal or cheat me. I don't do that. I could be drunk out of my mind and I'm not doing that. I could be high out of my mind and I'm not doing that. I could have absolutely negative $200,000 and I can't make rent and I'm not going to lie, steal or cheat somebody, so don't do that to me. It's like the golden rule. Unfortunately, that's been done to me and, just like I said, if you don't pay, I don't play. So just keep that in mind Before you go to bed at night. To those specific individuals, please. Anyhow, let's get back to it. So the website I mean that thing's squared away. Squared away.

Speaker 1:

Obviously I've been focusing a lot of my time on negative things when I should just be focused on moving forward and positive things. I probably interviewed hmm, even though I didn't convince myself that I, that I could work a full-time job at this point, I seriously have interviewed at least 50 different companies, a lot of them heating and air conditioning, but a lot of them outside the industry. The bottom line some of these companies. One of them said are you going to be able to do business with the company you used to work for? Because we really want to get an imprint in there?

Speaker 1:

I said listen to me, I'm not sure if you realize this, but're talking to the GOAT, the new business GOAT Probably the best new business salesman, I'd say in this country, if not In the northeast, I would stick to my guns. If there was a contest right now For the person that's brought on the most new business In the past Eight years, if there was a contest right now for the person that's brought on the most new business in the past eight years, I would 100% put myself first. And I have no idea what anybody else is capable of or what they've done. What I do know is what I've done. It was ridiculous. So I had told them. You know, I can't. I can't say that at all. Actually, I don't even know if I would want to step back foot in those locations. But I will tell you this. You tell them them meaning his boss, the kid, the young little weasel that was interviewing me. He was probably like 23,. Probably that daddy gave it to him. Daddy gaveel that was interviewing me, he was probably like 23. Probably dad, daddy gave it to him, daddy gave him that job.

Speaker 1:

I said go tell them that I don't think it matters if we get into those locations, because they'll reap so many more benefits and I'll make them so much more money. They'll completely forget about those 20 stores. 20 stores, they only started with four. Remember Four or five. It's all irrelevant. Now they're stuffing their gullets. But again, so what have I been doing?

Speaker 1:

Interviewing, initially, some competitors in this area, but non-compete. They were all tough about the non-compete. Can't do it once you're still a non-compete, that's fine. I wasn't worried about it either way. I wasn't going to take business. I'm not going to operate unethically just because somebody else is operating unethically, will I run my mouth and talk a little shit? Yeah, but guess what? Remember, I don't lie, steal or cheat, so I'm going to come at you direct. You're going to know I'm coming. So, yeah, I got a couple offers, but I even was willing to take a $100,000 pay cut.

Speaker 1:

And for this company, randstad, it's like a recruitment I think, the largest recruitment firm in the nation, and you know, apparently I was overqualified and you know just so many. But that's fine, because, although I am a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to interviewing, at this point I don't know if I could work for somebody and if I do Like, I had an interview this morning. It went great and it's definitely a company I would work for and it's definitely a company I would work for and it's definitely a position that I would be extremely successful in and we'll see what happens If it lines up. It lines up. But the bottom line is, if it doesn't line up, what's my next plan? Dan the man always has a plan. I got mouths to feed. Even if it's just a little ghost right here, he's still snoozing next to me. Bills will be paid and mouths to feed.

Speaker 1:

What else have I been doing? All right, so I contracted myself to do some marketing for a company Because the Daily American Podcast american podcast, yes, it's daily american podcastcom. But daily american is not just a podcast, it is a marketing company. You know, I myself am versed now in a little bit of seo and do a little bit of meta tags on the back end of websites SEO, sales engine optimization. Essentially, let's say you have an e-commerce site or a podcast website. Well, on the back end, what words are you plugging in to get traction on your search engines like Google, bing, yahoo, yahoo? So I'm learning that a little bit. I've actually successfully done that and changed a company's SEO dramatically, ran an audit after my work was complete it's never really complete with the SEO stuff, you're always constantly updating because the algorithms are always changing and then ran an audit after my work and they flat out give you percentages and keywords and where you're lacking and where you're doing well and you know the proof's in the pudding it's science, it's math, so you can't really escape the work or fake it.

Speaker 1:

Now, as you know, I'm getting pretty good with this website thing, so I even hired my website guy to do somebody else's website, doing a little bit of marketing for this company, my Supply Wizard. They are an e-commerce site. I made them some social medias. He's an OG guy. Made them some social medias. He's an OG guy. Made them some social medias, trying to grow that presence. Got his website updated through my website guy and it's not ready yet. The new website, but his old one's operating, but he's got a whole new brand and everything. So I think this one will do much better, especially if he can pull them customers over. He'll be rocking and rolling.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, mysupplywizardcom, check it out. They got some cool gadgets and stuff, some tools, gloves. I wanted to go with the slogan If the glove doesn't fit, you gotta quit, like OJ Simpson. But he wasn't having that. What else? What else? Uber? That's the backup plan. Now there's three different levels. Apparently to Uber, I've done UberX. There are another. I think in four, four and a half hours I've made like 160, 170 bucks Driving around some drunk people Connecting with some drunkards.

Speaker 1:

Who better to connect with a drunkard besides the Daily American? He's the one that's usually sloshed in the backseat but he's an alcoholic so you can't really tell and he's just holding a conversation as if I'm speaking now. Really, he's going through hell. Constant turmoil of the drunk is not good, especially when it comes to me, because the alcohol, as much as the gambling and other prior substances, have been issues. Man oh man.

Speaker 1:

The alcohol really turns, turns, turns me into a different animal. It's like you know, at first it relieves a little bit of anxiety, right the first few, and then it's like you keep drinking and then, like I begin to like fucking get paranoid. God forbid, I misinterpret somebody saying something or, you know, I run into another, another human who know is going to stand his ground as well, just like me. But for some reason I sense that there's something up with them and you know, it's like I feel like I could sense, like, just like when I'm sober I can sense like somebody's character or their intentions, or I can kind of see through them. I feel like I can do that even better when I'm drunk and, like you know, it's no holds bar when, when you have a few shots of vodka and fighting, that's no good. I haven't, I haven't.

Speaker 1:

I haven't been in a fight in a while, though actually when I, when I traveled to Croatia, that was a whole nother story. I like lost. I like lost my mind out there for a second, but bottom line is, I was in this club and I was by myself, but there were some dudes from like the Netherlands and Denmark when else Netherlands, denmark and, I believe, serbia and then there were the Croats there, and most of the time I'm riding around with a Croat, my Uber driver, who was like my boy and he can't stand the Serbs and the Serbs can't stand him because they were in a war against each other, right? So I'm sitting there, I think I'm like on the Croat side the entire time. I'm in their country. This, that and the third. So, anyhow, I guess, like I think I walked up to this dude's girl or something. He was right there I thought he was Serbian in the midst of it, but he ended up ripping my chain off and had my dad's uh, I had my dad's pendant on it that he sold to me before he passed away, and I had picked up the chain immediately and the charm was gone.

Speaker 1:

Bottom line is the dude, the dudes from the netherlands, denmark, serbia, was like all of us. There was like five of us versus like seven of them and it was crazy. I mean, I pretty much started world war three in croatia, um, at a club. Nah, it calmed down, though, the police did come, everything was cool, but any, everybody ended up leaving. I stayed there all night, all night I actually slept there on the bench, um, because it was like an outdoor club, you know, with like a uh, a giant awning. It was a real nice spot, definitely somewhere popular over there. I would just have to google it. And I slept there overnight because I wouldn't, I wouldn't leave, I wouldn't leave without it. I wasn't leaving that country without that charm.

Speaker 1:

So freaking I was actually like it's, this is kind of nasty. Close your ears if, if, if, you hear something you want to throw up, but sewer the sewer drains like. I just remember my hands going down there, no gloves or no gloves or anything. Check out my Supply Wizard. They got the best gloves. I could have used them that night.

Speaker 1:

Again, I'm all hungover and it's like four or five o'clock in the morning at this point and I'm just siphoning my hand through like this, basically like shit, and just squashing it to try to feel the little gold charm, and you know, then I washed my hands, I fell asleep on the bench. It was fucking disgusting. Um, I woke up like maybe a couple hours later. I think the guy gave me because because they were there all night cleaning I don't even know who they were, but they were there all night cleaning and then I guess, like employees or maybe one of the owners or a bouncer or something, just there all night, and after waking up I think he gave me some water.

Speaker 1:

I called an Uber, my phone was still alive, I had the gold chain, but I didn't have the charm, so I left. I went back to my place, showered, probably, started drinking again, but I got no idea. But then eventually my Uber driver, who I befriended out there, picked me up and I think it was the next day, so maybe I slept that that whole day away, yeah, and then it was the next day he picked me up. I don't know if this is the day we went on the boat, but basically I had gone back like two days later and and I left it. I apologized for any scene and I left a note that whoever finds it I'll reward them. It's very important to me. It was my father's blah, blah, blah Yo.

Speaker 1:

My Uber driver was like, dude, you're never finding that, you'll never get that back. I said I bet you I will. I bet you I'm not leaving this country unless I get it back. And I was like like god's got me go find it. I said the prayer to saint anthony. Yeah, like a day later, my facebook lights up with a message, one of, like the bartenders there had it and told me to come get it. She didn't say like I had to pay anything or anything. Obviously the cash in my pocket I gave to her thanked her so much.

Speaker 1:

I saw the dude, I guess the dude who, like, ripped it off. I feel like he's the one who had it the whole time, but I I don't know, but I feel like he was there, but I wasn't positive. I don't know if it just looked like him or what, but when I went to pick it up, he was there and and then my Uber driver was shocked. That dude stole my boy. By the way, Um Solitude, I stayed with him and his mom. It's crazy when you travel by yourself.

Speaker 1:

I got another story. You guys really think I'm fucking nuts If I tell you this one. Ah, whatever, fuck it, I am out there and this was like the tail end of the trip. Somehow, I stay at this. You guys stay tuned until the next episode. It's already 25 minutes in. You guys stay tuned until the next episode. Sorry, 25 minutes in. You guys stay tuned to the next episode.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell the story. I'll remember that I'm saying this, um, and we'll get right into it. Next episode listen, thank you. Don't forget to subscribe, even the paid subscribers. Thank you guys so much. Uh, again, you don't have to do. That means a lot to me. I was considering just saying fucking, charging a dollar for every episode, but we'll stick with this method for a little bit and see where we can get. And, you know, raise some money for disabled veterans, raise some money for the podcast to keep upgrading equipment, keep upgrading the show period and then give buzz prop their little cut. You guys are always welcome back on daily american. I appreciate you listening. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, even if it's just the free version. I guess the entire moral of this episode is you know the prayers work. The prayers have got me out of so much that guy's always watching. Be careful of the grimy moves that you make, including myself. Although I do try not to lie, steal or cheat anybody, I'm still fucked up.

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